Thursday, May 10, 2007


Personal Details

Surname: Nkgodi
First names: Molifi, Bruce
Contact no: 073 3522 854
Health: Excellent


Tertiary Education

BA Honours (Politics) University of the Witwatersrand, 2006

Econometrics module (non-degree purpose), University of Johannesburg, 2003

BA (Economic & Political Studies), University of the Witwatersrand, 2002


Investigated the efficacy of Structural Adjustment Programmes in redressing inefficiencies in African agriculture (Voluntary honours long paper).
Investigated the origins of the Third World Debt Crisis.
Built an econometric model using data for South Africa’s economy to test the interest elasticity of money demand. That is, the sensitivity of borrowing to changes in interest rate.
Assess the impact of the emerging black middle class on the structural configuration of South Africa’s economy under free trade-with special focus on the manufacturing sector (Honours dissertation).

High School Education

Last school attended: Mokgome High School
Highest standard passed: Standard 10 or Grade 12


Soccer team member
Study group member

Employment History

Employer: Hofmeyr House, 2002 to 2003
Designation: General Assistant – Skills acquired – administration, people’s and multitasking.
Reason for leaving: Part-time

Employer: International Project Consultant (IPC), 2001
Designation: Field worker – Skills acquired – communication and information gathering skills.
Reason for leaving: Part-time

Employer: Wits Anatomy Department, 2007
Designation: General Assistant – system planning skills
Reason for leaving: Part-time

Other Skills

Report writing
Micro-soft: Word, Excel, Internet & PowerPoint
Familiarity with general office work
Participating in team work


To be part of an organization that will employ my analytical and communication skills. Thereby add value to the organization’s endeavour to utilizing scarce resources as efficient as possible.


· Name: Ms Karen Fridi
Tel no: 011 717 9320 (Manageress)

· Name: Prof Rod Alence (Lecturer)
Tel no: 011 717 4493

· Name: Prof Daryl Glaser (Lecturer)
Tel no: 011 717 4373

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another Lesson in Time Management

Yesterday’s assignment made me aware of some things which I consider crucial. One is that in my blogs I pay more attention to content than ensuring that my writing is free of typographical errors. Efficiency dictates that content should be error free. Temitope and Ijeoma, your comments during Elspeth’s session were valid and constructive. I’m please to see that I’m not surrounded by yes men-and-women. Secondly, having failed to submit on time, I have realized that I’m yet to master the art of effective time management. On Sunday I managed to write and complete my assignment. The only thing left was to type it. But because I do not have a computer at home I rely on University's resources. So I had to wait until Monday. All these weaknesses could have been overcome if I had a computer of my own. Nevertheless, the reality is that there is no computer at my place. It is partly for this reason that purchasing a computer is one of my future goals.
In her session about time management, Janet Askew mentioned that effective time management needs one to have a contingency plan or plan B. In my case plan B would have been to over-deliver. In other words, because I had more than a week to complete the assignment, I was suppose to have finished compiling it a few days before the due date.

Friday, May 4, 2007

HIV prevention

Statistics on the state of HIV/AIDS in South Africa give a gloomy view. Thus it should be a high priority to protect oneself from contracting the HIVirus. Be faithful, practice safe sex and abstinence from sex, of which many find unattractive, are preventative measures that can be adopted to contain HIV/AIDS. Those infected already have a responsibility to protect those who are still HIV negative from the virus. After all it is to the detriment of HIV positive individuals to practice unsafe intercourse or have multiple partners. Equally, HIV negative persons ought to provide a support structure that will create a caring atmosphere for HIV positive individuals. This support structure require everyone to discard the tendency to stigmatize HIV and AIDS suffers. I believe at the core of HIV/AIDS prevention is our ability as individuals not to allow instant gratification to counteract rational.