Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another Lesson in Time Management

Yesterday’s assignment made me aware of some things which I consider crucial. One is that in my blogs I pay more attention to content than ensuring that my writing is free of typographical errors. Efficiency dictates that content should be error free. Temitope and Ijeoma, your comments during Elspeth’s session were valid and constructive. I’m please to see that I’m not surrounded by yes men-and-women. Secondly, having failed to submit on time, I have realized that I’m yet to master the art of effective time management. On Sunday I managed to write and complete my assignment. The only thing left was to type it. But because I do not have a computer at home I rely on University's resources. So I had to wait until Monday. All these weaknesses could have been overcome if I had a computer of my own. Nevertheless, the reality is that there is no computer at my place. It is partly for this reason that purchasing a computer is one of my future goals.
In her session about time management, Janet Askew mentioned that effective time management needs one to have a contingency plan or plan B. In my case plan B would have been to over-deliver. In other words, because I had more than a week to complete the assignment, I was suppose to have finished compiling it a few days before the due date.


Ijeoma Uche-Okeke said...

Always remember that what we term weakness can be turned into a positive. While it is important for us to acknowledge where we are not terribly 'strong', we should not allow our 'inner critic' to push us to the wall. Trying to find solutions is a good way of focusing on problem solving rather than the problem alone. Thank you for welcoming our (mine and Temi's)comments.

Thomas Michael Blaser said...

Janet's session was an eye opener for me as well. I was always late for my assignments. I just hated the time pressure. But why not over-deliver on time, as Bruce puts it?

Ijeoma Uche-Okeke said...

Sorry I rushed off so quickly. I thought we'd be done by 4.30 pm so I could assist with your cv. I am feeling really lousy at the moment, I don't think I'll make it tomorrow. Sorry for letting you down.

Valentin said...

Bruce, definitely sometimes different conditions can affect your time management. However, this the best way to train yourself to be both quick and effective in doing certain things.
In this sense, both pressure and severe conditions would help you develop the skill of time management, efficiency and the likelyhood of desired outcomes!

Adam N. Mukendi said...

Hi Bruce,
I like the fact that your are so franc. I think that if you don't have a computer may be is because you did not take its need as your fist priority. Now you say that this tools is your priority, I know that you will get it. Remember what they Lovemore said: you will get what you dream off. I wish you the best in managing your time.

Bruce said...

Thank you very much for your encouraging comments.