Friday, April 20, 2007

Open minded individuals are aware that Christianity is not the only way to God. But there is substance in the biblical claim that "God created man in his own image". This is no rhetoric claim. In fact, there is ample evidence in support of this claim. Some of it can be found in the Origins Centre, situated in Wits University campus. The New York Times suppliment of the Sunday Times (8 April 2007) ran a story about a caucasian farmer who recently dicovered that he has black relatives through a DNA test. Therefore, im my opion labels such as black/coloured/white are nothing but human invention. They only reflect our infallibility as humans.


Susan Arthur said...

Hi Bruce
I don't really see the connection in this post between the Sunday times article and what you are saying about God. I think you need to expand and explain more clearly.

Ijeoma Uche-Okeke said...

Bruce,I see what Susan is pointing out about the link between the article and allusion to biblical scripture, you need to make the connection. I do find your thoughts on the concept of 'labelling'very interesting. It is interesting that a child is not aware of so-called 'differences' until his/her parents begin to highlight them. Children of all 'races' will play and fraternise on an equal basis up until when these 'differences' begin to be emphasised.

Susan Mwangi said...

What do you mean by, “Labels such as black/coloured/white … reflect our infallibility as humans”?

On the surface, the use of the terms “black/coloured/white” to describe the diversity of the people groups, seems quite harmless (call me naive!. However, it is the negative social constructions and stereotypes that we attach to these labels that give them a “bad name”. I think...

Roy Blumenthal said...

Hiya Bruce...

You need to respond to these comments. Your blog post is incoherent and really does NOT make any kind of argumentative or rhetorical sense.

It seems to me that you've disregarded Elspeth's advice on writing a rough draft first. This feels very much like it's the preliminary thinking BEFORE a rough draft.

Blue skies

Bruce said...

Sorry for taking long in responding to your concerns. What I was trying to put across is that God is oneness and He is indivisible.